
Welcome to N.D. Hue Properties, LLC!

Hello, here at N.D. Hue Properties, we are passionate about people, home design & decor, as well as property management. With our love and passion in home decor and development we have decided to join our passions to help as many people as we can invest in themselves and obtain a home where they will create memories and love for a lifetime to come. Thanks for visiting, feel free to browse around!

From the blog

Hours of Operation

(Though hours of operation may be limited, please know that we are still working behind the scenes to provide you with the best possible service while still dedicating time to our family as well.)

4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Contact Number: (501) 482-5957

What Makes Us Stand Out

N.D. Hue Properties is a family-owned corporation that was created because a vision and passion of a husband and wife duo from Little Rock, Arkansas, with 5 kiddos that range from ages 18 years old down to 6 years old. We have always wanted to give back to our community and help those in need. We believe everyone, regardless of their income status and current living situation deserves a home and some situations require a second chance and what better way than financial relief. We’ve always loved and admired the real estate duo, Chip and JoAnna Gaines from Waco, TX because they were like us: basic, family oriented and Christ-centered. One day, in July of 2019 I went in for an outpatient procedure that turned out really bad and caused me to have paralyzed vocal cords which eventually led to having difficulty breathing and even loss of energy and strength, which affected my ability to be as proficient as I had been in the medical field for over 12+ years. This supposedly simple outpatient procedure affected and altered my whole way of living and has affected my family’s life as well. Then we were all hit with the COVID-19 pandemic and there was no way I could compromise my health any further, so my children had to attend school virtually and I needed to be there with them as well. Eventually, I decided to stop dreaming and admiring others success and step out on faith and do what I believe God has called me to do and I have pulled my wonderful, supporting husband along for the ride.

Connect Socially!

Contact Us: (501) 482-5957